Are they actually new guns? I thought they were just Scarborough Fair once more!
They look really similar to Scarborough Fair, but they're not the same. They say "Whittingham Fair" on the sides.
They're identical to SF save for the name. I predict an alternate reality/alternate timeline thing. That, or maybe all the time travel fucked the rules of existence up and summoned/awoke some being that's PISSED and is out to get Bayonetta.
I mean, Bayonetta probably literally dies in the trailer, but it's not OUR Bayonetta. It's probably a Bayonetta from a different timeline or universe.
That thing didn't look like an angel or demon, and it had what appeared to be electricity. And it could stop the bullets and fracture time like glass. Am I missing anything?
Also, it has been years since I last been here.
One thing I want to put out there is the fact that, in that trailer, Bayonettas mole isnt present. while one might not think that matters, if you know enough about witch lore youd know its important. It was believed that after a witch made a pact with a demon, shed gain a witch Mark, which would result in either blemishes in the skin, extra nipples, elderly spots at a young age, or even a mole.
Take note that as a child Bayonetta didnt have a mole, but as an adult she does. So this feeds into the beliefe that witches get a witch Mark.
Ontop of this, it was said by hideki Kamiya that in the Bayo universe witches gain beauty marks after going through a traumatic experience that would end up drastically enhancing their magic. on the Bayonetta Discord someone pointed this out, so now its theorized that this version of Bayo is a past iteration of her self, before she got her Mark.
It's possible more time travel shenanigans is going on, and a new villain might be going to the past to defeat Bayonetta before she got her witch mark, which would completely undo everything shes done up to this point.
Another thing people are theorizing is that this is a memory. That shes facing an opponent so strong in modern day, it reminds her of the time she went through the struggles that got her to attain her witch Mark
Take note that as a child Bayonetta didnt have a mole, but as an adult she does. So this feeds into the beliefe that witches get a witch Mark.
Ontop of this, it was said by hideki Kamiya that in the Bayo universe witches gain beauty marks after going through a traumatic experience that would end up drastically enhancing their magic. on the Bayonetta Discord someone pointed this out, so now its theorized that this version of Bayo is a past iteration of her self, before she got her Mark.
It's possible more time travel shenanigans is going on, and a new villain might be going to the past to defeat Bayonetta before she got her witch mark, which would completely undo everything shes done up to this point.
Another thing people are theorizing is that this is a memory. That shes facing an opponent so strong in modern day, it reminds her of the time she went through the struggles that got her to attain her witch Mark
Also, to add onto what Ixbran said, one of the videos regarding Bayonetta and its introduction to PC on Steam included an interview with Kamiya in which he was asked various Bayonetta and Bayonetta production related questions. In said video, he says that her beauty mark appeared after a significant event in her life occurred, so there's that.
Also, it is worth noting that the ballad Whittingham Fair is a variation of the balled known as the Elfin Knight. I'm not sure what to believe, and I'm one who will believe a really strong and well-written theory until canonity proves otherwise, and with the lack of a beauty mark and the "new" Whittingham Fair guns, I'll accept the alternate timeline/universe theory until a potential new/better theory pops up, or until the story is actually unveiled.
Finally, what song do you think will be the new Fly Me to the Moon and Moon River? What do you think the name of the new Climax theme will be (Let's Hit the Climax!, Time for the Climax!)? Do you think new mechanics will be introduced like how Umbran Climax was in Bayonetta 2?
Something has been b rought to my attention while brosing through Tumblr, and I wanted to bring it up here.
going back to the topic of a witchs mole being a source of power, and her not having it in the trailer. someone posted online that in Bayonetta 1, in the flash back scene when she woke up from the lake Bayonetta did not have her beauty mark. This indicates that she got her beauty mark during the 20 year time period when she had amnesia and was working with Rodin.
This lends credence to the theory going around that the flaming figure is Rodin, and its possibly him fighting her.
One post i saw on tumblr theorizes that the event of the video isnt something happening during the time period of Bayo3, but rather its a memory. they said that it could be Bayonetta is fighting an enemy so powerful, that it reminds her of the time she was pushed to her limit and attained her beauty mark
my theory on top of that is: Rodin trained Bayonetta after she woke because he knew that she'd need to be her absolute best when the upcoming threat of the lumen sage balder was about to happen. So he was always putting her through near death experiences. and the events of Bayo3 shes fighting an opponent that reminds her of the time she struggled while training against Rodin.
I have to go against the growing trend of thinking that the enemy in the Bayonetta 3 teaser is Rodin because what we know about Rodin as a character and what he can do simply doesn't match up what's happening.
Rodin is an extremely powerful being, so much so that he was cast out of Paradiso for being too strong with his powers of creation and destruction. It reflects in the battles with him as he ends up being the most difficult fight in either game with the sheer power his wields as both an angel and a demon. But nothing about Rodin's history, his powers or his motivations would even come close to suggest that this new flaming entity is him or that he would go out of his way to kill Bayonetta in such a brutal fashion.
For starters, the mysterious figure's powers don't line up with any of Rodin's. Outside of combat, we know Rodin can conjure portals to Inferno to get around, is incredibly resilient to damage, has super strength and can make small flames on his hands. In battle, we know that he has the ability of summoning projectiles, being immune to time manipulation, doing a barrage attack that can leave Bayonetta with little health, Wicked Weave-like hits and a 'super' devil form.
The mysterious figure however has none of these abilities. They can stop Bayonetta's bullets in an electrical field that then proceeds to dissect and destroy each bullet in turn and they use rapid slashes of energy to attack her directly, which also appears to be the 'killing blow'. They also appear to be incorporeal, like a ghost, and the only resemblance to any of Rodin's abilities is the way this enemy can teleport. Even then, it does so either in a quick flash of light or in a manner of fading and disappearing on the wind, not through using portals.
If Rodin really had this sort of power the entire time that Bayonetta knew him and only had his old powers returned when using the Platinum Tickets (which, so far, are the only instances we know of where he has gotten said powers back) why has he never shown this sort of power before? With how easily this mystery figure seems to beat Bayonetta utterly and completely in their battle, there's no reason why Rodin would not use it if this was the sort of thing he was capable of. He even admits that turning back into the 'real' him happens with those Tickets. If this ghost is the real him, why has this never been shown before, especially since it seems even more powerful than him in either game?
Second of all is Rodin's motivations. Everything about Rodin's goals as a character gives him literally no reason to attack Bayonetta so ferociously to the point of killing her. Though it's stated that his true motives are unclear, the lore speculates that he's looking for someone to 'undo him' and be the bearer of his weapons that he creates. Bayonetta fills this role because she is able to defeat him in both games and she's the source of a great amount of income for him with all the halos she gathers. The first game even has Rodin mentioning that he'll work on their 'special project' (Scarborough Fair), indicating that they have a healthy working relationship together and it continues to do so when he gifts her with Love Is Blue in the second game.
While he has made some dark remarks about using her soul as a weapon should she ever die, he's never shown that sort of aggresion towards Bayonetta at all. What reason would he have to? Admittedly, we don't know much about the 20 year period from when Bayonetta woke up to the events to the first game, but their relationship appears to be colleagues on friendly terms with how they interact in the Gates of Hell.
This mystery enemy shows no signs of this being the case. To render literally all of Bayonetta's efforts useless, to injure her so badly and then simply float away on the wind after slicing her in half, this sort of behaviour doesn't match anything we know about Rodin. Even when we fight him, his attitude of being cool and collected during his attacks shines through. This thing that attacks Bayonetta shows literally nothing. It's a cold and calculated attack that has no time for banter.
So if it isn't Rodin, what could this teaser mean? Does it imply an alternate timeline because of the lack of detail Bayonetta is lacking in her outfit and the subtle change to her guns? Is it a memory of how she obtained her beauty mark since she doesn't have that either?
I think it's a nightmare.
Everything about this teaser just seems to reflect a dream sequence. From the way the fight plays out in a darkened realm with nothing but stormy conditions, to how the enemy doesn't even seem to physically appear at first when Bayonetta is tossed around like a rag doll, to the way that everything she tries is countered with little effort from the enemy just floating there, it's like Bayonetta's worst fears are being realised.
It's a fight that she feels she can't win.
Every other one of the challenges she has risen to, she has done so with bravery and skill, even when against the titanic gods of two realms. But she shows none of that in this teaser. She's fought hard and long since we can see hundreds and hundreds of bullet casings on the ground. But she's beat up, she's bleeding and she knows she can't win. Her actual death makes this point from how vicious it is, especially because you can see her body still attatched to either leg, proving that she was sliced vertically in half so fast that she couldn't counter it.
If this was a memory of her going through a traumatic event to gain her beauty mark, then that means this scene can't be taken literally as a proper memory because Bayonetta obviously lived past it if it was. If this is an alternate/parallel timeline, then the only times this could potentially occur was when the timeline was altered in the first game near the end or during the past events 500 years ago when Bayonetta wasn't sealed away.
I believe the teaser is a nightmare that acts as a dire warning of what is to come. With the blood moon commonly used to signify an apocalypse and Kamiyra stating that something incredible happens to Witches during a blood moon, I feel like this entity is something that is hunting Bayonetta down. In the first two games, she has pursued her goals in her own way, whether it was chasing her memories or to find a way to save Jeanne from Inferno.
With Bayonetta 3, I feel the tables have turned. Something is after her instead.
When I say 'memory' i meant as in the me exaggerated sense, claiming it is a nightmare does fit better.
sort of makes me wonder what shes going to go up against in this game. the purple and white theme is definitely something im eager to see on her person. I cant wait to see her new outfit!
Why Bayonetta mole is missing could be a sign that her powers are weaking or being weakend cuz a full powerful witch has a mole and lower powerful witches, don't i guess?